Friday, May 2, 2008

Its Overwhelming

Just thinking how truly awesome it is to love Jesus and knowing he loves me back no matter what I may do,he has a place in his heart for me. The more I seek him the more I find him and its really overwhelming to me to feel his touch..its like hes reaching down from Heaven and hugging me and the more I love him and think of what he's done for me and as more and more thoughts flood my mind more and more tears flow and the hug is just there getting bigger and bigger. I have never felt his love more than now its just so warming...I can never run from him.It makes me think about what he might have in store for me even though I fight things I may not understand but I have given my life to him and I'm going to try even harder to understand what it is he wants me to do even if it means living in Spain and having a hard time. My life is his for the taking.

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